Stock Shapes
OHI provides a wide range of stocked shape thermoplastic components. Specializing in compression molded PTFE, we can provide virtually any diameter and length rod or tube up to 48” in outer diameter and a maximum of 12” in length. Utilizing our in-house blending and testing capabilities, we can provide our customers with the exact formulation and blend to specifications. Visit on-line website for a list of standard stocked products. Other thermoplastic stock shape sizes, blends, and materials are made to order.

Literature Update 2/14
OHI releases it's valve design guide. Comprehensive polymer guide which discusses polymer materials and products for valve seats, bearings, seals, and stem packing used in severe service applications.

LNG - Cryoseal
The harsh environments of LNG and Cryogenic applications are no match for Odin Heavy Industries’ Cryoseal. Partnering OHI's proprietary polymer material Cryonel with engineered sealing technology creates a robust seal capable of withstanding temperatures as low as -320°F (-196°C). This technology is applied to OHI’s new line of solutions for stem seals, body seals, and valve seats

New Product - 600°F Seal Material
OHI launches a new material capable of reaching 600°F. This material has properties similar to PTFE and is an excellent candidate for high pressure and temperature sealing applications
Material Stock Shapes
OHI offers rods and tubes available in all of our custom compounds, including PTFE
Valve Components
OHI manufactures valve seats, stem packing, and wear components. Read more…
Engineered Sealing Solutions
OHI has proven sealing solutions for a wide variety of operating parameters. Read more…